Tag Archives: Shelby County High School

CONNECT: Alyssa Anderson

We continue our series on CONNECTing with our recent high school graduates by getting to know Alyssa Anderson a little better.

Alyssa is the daugher of Glenn and Kathie Anderson and granddaughter of Dorothy Anderson. Her sister, Sarah, also attends Holly Hill. Alyssa graduated from Shelby County High School and plans to attend Harding University in August. Alyssa has attended Holly Hill since it was formed and, before that, the Boone Plaza church.

What are your hobbies? Running, reading, and spending time with friends and family. 

What special skills or talents do you have (personal or professional)? I like to think that I am a decent runner and singer

What book (outside the Bible) have you read that will stick with you forever? Why? I really enjoy the classics. (ie Mansfield Park, Frankenstein, etc.)  Their message means more to me because they are respected in the literary community.

What quality do you most appreciate in another person? I really appreciate honesty because it is the foundation of trust.

What man or woman has had the greatest influence on your life (and why)? My parents both are equally important in my life.  I will always be thankful for all that they have done for me.  

Who are your favorite entertainers (musicians, actors, etc.)?I enjoy Classic Rock, A Capella music, and the artists that support those genres.

A perfect day for me would include…..Spending time with those I love most at the place I love the most…Fall Creek Falls Summer Bible Camp.

What would you consider your greatest achievement? Although I am proud of several of my earthly achievements, I take none of the credit for them.  I give all of the glory to God for giving me the ability to succeed.

What items are on your “bucket list”? I would like to strengthen my relationship with Christ, become closer to my family, and help my close friends know God.