Tag Archives: Kemper Rogers

CONNECT: Cassie Flora

Today, we continue our series of CONNECTing with our recent high school graduates by highlighting Cassie Flora. Cassie recently graduated from Anderson County High School and will be attending Western Kentucky University. She is the daughter of Travis and Mary Sue Flora and has one brother, Evan. Cassie and her family have been attending Holly Hill for about a year. They live in Lawrenceburg. This past summer, Cassie worked full-time as a babysitter and also most evenings as a Dietary Assistant at Heritage Hall Nursing Home in Lawrenceburg. She also has an adorable cat named Alice Nanny Flora.

What do you most enjoy about Holly Hill church of Christ (or about being a Christian)? The friendliness of everyone here, lots of involvement and youth activities.

What are your hobbies? Tennis, Friends

What special skills or talents do you have (personal or professional)? Singing, and I am decent at Spanish. I was president of the Spanish Honor Society in high school.

What book (outside the Bible) have you read that will stick with you forever? Why? The Lucky One, or Safe Haven. Both by Nicholas Sparks. Good story lines.

What quality do you most appreciate in another person? A Sense of humor

What man or woman has had the greatest influence on your life (and why)? Kemper Rogers. She is my best friend and has turned me into the person I am today, for the better.

Who are your favorite entertainers (musicians, actors, etc.)? Nikki Minaj. Tre Songz. Andy Samburg

A perfect day for me would include…. Sleeping in late. Shopping at Forever21 alllll day. Hanging out with friends at the lake at night

What would you consider your greatest achievement? Graduating High School

What items are on your “bucket list”?

• Attending a Yankees & Red Sox game at Yankee stadium

• Go to an Opera in Australia

• Go on a cruise to Jamaica

• Own my own Forever21 Franchise


Alice Nanny Flora