Tag Archives: Owingsville

Owingsville Update

Here is an update recently sent from Alton Norman, the minister working with the Owingsville church of Christ.  They are a group of people that are working hard to reach the community of Owingsville, KY.  Holly Hill has been supporting them for a few years, and it has become a great fellowship between the two congregations.  Here’s Alton’s letter:

I bring you greetings from the brethren in Owingsville.  We continue to work together in harmony and with one accord as we serve the Lord in this place.  Since our last report we have enjoyed one baptism and one restoration to the Lord.  Currently we also have two people enrolled in Bible Correspondence Courses and pray much lasting good will come from these studies.

We continue to send Heart to Heart to about 1,700 homes in Bath County and hear compliments from our regular readers.  In addition to this Alton writes an article for two local newspapers each week.  These writings produce good contacts and to have an impact on the community for Christ.

In September we had Bryan Dill from Frankfort hold a gospel meeting for us.  He spoke on “Now is the time”.  His lessons were very good as he encouraged each member of the church to “redeem the time” as we serve God each day.  More recently we had Jack Hall, an elder from the Richmond congregation, speak on leadership for our men’s day.  Jack’s lessons will have a lasting impact on the congregation here.  Jack also returned on Nov 7th and spoke to the entire congregation about “Leadership Without Elders” and how important each member of the church is to the success of the Lord’s work in Owingsville.  He left us with a great challenge for the year 2011 and we expect great things to happen as a result.

We continue to be thankful for your support and know that without you we would not be able to do the things we do for the Lord.  Thank you for your fellowship in the furtherance of the gospel in Bath County, Kentucky.

Mission-Minded Monday

One of the works supported by Holly Hill is in Owingsville, KY.  In addition to financial support, we do everything we can to help them with their summer Vacation Bible School, and support their big events.  Here is an update from the minister there, Alton Norman:

I am happy to report that things are going well in Owingsville.  Since the first of the year we have had two single men and one family of 4 place membership with us.  As a result we have also increased our Sunday school attendance by about 10 each week (another family of 4 has started coming to Bible Classes).  In addition to this there are 4 other people who are attending regularly and we expect good things to come from this in the near future.

We have a gospel meeting scheduled May 2-6 with Roger Johnson.  He preached in this area a number of years ago and knows several people.  Our hope is to make contact with people who knew him in the past and try to win them over to the Lord.  The Saturday after the meeting we will have a booth in the Owingsville “May Days” celebration to hand out tracts and again make contacts with the people of the area.  This will be a first for us and we ask that you keep this in your prayers.

The people here love the Lord and it is good to be working with them in the spread of the gospel.

God bless you all,

Alton Norman