Tag Archives: Backpack Snacks

REACH: Bring Your BackPack Snacks This Sunday!

JUST A REMINDER….This Sunday, July 31, we have an opportunity to REACH into our community and show the benevolence of Christ through the BackPack Snack Program. We will be collecting non-perishable food items, school supplies and backpacks for students at Frankfort Middle School and Frankfort High School. Approximately 70% of the students at that school receive free or reduced lunches. Often, these students go home to an empty pantry and refrigerator on the weekends. This program makes sure they have food at home on the weekends.

Bring your items and place them in the pulpit THIS SUNDAY, July 31. Here are just some of the suggested items to include:

Non-Perishable Foods:
Pop Tarts, Oatmeal (Individual Packages), Cereal (Individual Boxes), Juice Boxes, Bottled Water, Applesauce Cups, Pudding Cups, Chips (Individual Bags), Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers, Cookies (Individual Packs).

School Supplies:
Pencils, Notebook Paper, Spiral Notebooks, 1-inch 3-ring Binders, Eraser Caps, Backpacks

Let’s all work together to show these students the love of Christ by donating these needed items! For more information, see Kim Whittaker or Gala Catron.

REACH: BackPack Snack Program

On Sunday, July 31, we have an opportunity to REACH into our community and show the benevolence of Christ through the BackPack Snack Program. We will be collecting non-perishable food items, school supplies and backpacks for students at Frankfort Middle School and Frankfort High School. Approximately 70% of the students at that school receive free or reduced lunches. Often, these students go home to an empty pantry and refrigerator on the weekends. This program makes sure they have food at home on the weekends.

Bring your items and place them in the pulpit on Sunday, July 31. Here are just some of the suggested items to include:

Non-Perishable Foods:
Pop Tarts, Oatmeal (Individual Packages), Cereal (Individual Boxes), Juice Boxes, Bottled Water, Applesauce Cups, Pudding Cups, Chips (Individual Bags), Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers, Cookies (Individual Packs).

School Supplies:
Pencils, Notebook Paper, Spiral Notebooks, 1-inch 3-ring Binders, Eraser Caps, Backpacks

Let’s all work together to show these students the love of Christ by donating these needed items! For more information, see Kim Whittaker or Gala Catron.