
We at Holly Hill want to make this blog something you can come to on a regular basis for encouragement, information, and even a little pep talk.  We hope that through this blog, many will find the inspiration they need to continue living their lives for Jesus Christ.  We also want this to be an opportunity for you to learn more about the congregation that meets in Frankfort, KY.  If you would like to know even more about us, feel free to visit our website: www.hollyhillcoc.org.

Our mission at Holly Hill is simple: Connect. Reach. Grow.  Our blog posts will follow those themes.

Connect: In order to be the Christians we need to be, we need the support of our church family. Connect is a way for us to get to know each other better, build stronger relationships, and make us better equipped to edify oneother. These blogs will highlight members of our congregation, either new converts, new members, or highlight other members to help us know each other better.

Reach: Christ’s Great Commission is for His people to “go” into the world, spreading His gospel. This includes all aspects of the good news, both teaching the Word, as well as showing the benevolence toward others that Christ showed through His living example. These blogs will highlight opportunities at Holly Hill for us to Reach into the world around us and make a difference for Christ.

Grow:  In 2 Peter 1:5-8, the Apostle Peter illustrates that just being “in Christ” is not enough, we need to grow. Opportunities for growing in our relationship with Christ abound at Holly Hill. These blogs will highlight these opportunities, or may just illustrate, teach or inspire us as we grow in knowledge, faith and love of God.

The weekends will be primarily time off for the blog, but will be left open for spontaneous updates and information.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.  God bless!

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